Arc Fleet

OK so I broke down and started painting. The first thing I had to do was figure out a cool color scheme that I wanted to paint up. I tried several color schemes until I found one that I liked.

Here are the ones I tried out.

I opted for white. I have other 15mm that are green and grey, so white seemed the logical choice. I did think the brown looked nice though.

Here are some group shots of my Arc Fleet Heavy Drop Troopers and ARC Fleet Light Recon. Some are still being based and needing finishing touches done.

What I need to learn is how to do face masks better with the lighting done on them and of course the guns. I am not real happy yet with how they are turning out.

The figures are awesome. When I got around to painting them I was amazed how much detail they have. Much more than GZG 15mm figures.

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